Month: July 2018

3 Ideas to (re) Energize Your Teaching

Are you one of those teachers who turns off your teacher-brain once summer hits?  If so, I am envious of you.  Every year I give myself a month to decompress and not think about teaching, but after a week my teacher brain goes in overdrive.  It’s become a delicate balance spending time reflecting about the previous year and changing/adjusting for the upcoming year (which I really love to do) without stressing myself out and spending my summer not present with my family and friends. But if I really think about the numerous summers I have spent as a teacher, not every one was this happy-go-lucky-I-love-teaching mentality.  I have had some rough years where it was anything to want to go back to the classroom in September.  And I know I’m not alone. Sometimes years are tough and taking a break is the best thing to do.  Sometimes as teachers we fall in a rut or a routine that is comfortable, and wanting to change or grow is not on the to-do list. However,  five years …